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Louisiana could have Class IV carbon injection primacy later this year

A U.S. Congressman said this week that Louisiana will likely have permitting authority later this year over wells designed to capture and store carbon.

Louisiana is set to receive permitting authority over wells designed to capture and store carbon by the end of the year, U.S. Congressman Garret Graves of Louisiana said this week, according to a Reuters report.

“We’re probably looking at final approval sometime in December or January,” Graves said at an event hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Center, according to the report. “If you look at the at the capacity of the state of Louisiana, they have substantially more expertise and capacity than the EPA does at this point.”

The state has been seeking control over Class VI wells from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), having filed its application in May, 2021.

North Dakota and Wyoming are the only two states with primacy for Class VI wells.

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