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California green hydrogen plant completes phase 1 operability

H2B2 Electrolysis Technologies has completed phase 1 of a green hydrogen production plant in California.

H2B2 Electrolysis Technologies has reached full operations on phase 1 of SoHyCal, producing up to one ton per day of green hydrogen powered by biogas. 

The plant, in Fresno, California, will transition into solar energy in phase two, expected to produce a total of three tons per day of green hydrogen powered by PV by 2Q24 2024. This amount of hydrogen will fuel up to 210,000 cars per year or 30,000 city buses, the company said in a news release.

H2B2 secured a $3.96m grant from the California Energy Commission Clean Transportation Program for the SoHyCal project. The  grant represents the entirety of the financing for the project, H2B2 CEO Pedro Pajares said in response to emailed questions.

Phase 1 operations include the ability to fuel fleets with green hydrogen in the San Joaquin Valley and San Francisco Bay Area, he added.

No decisions have yet been made about whether the company will raise additional capital for phase 2 of the project, Pajares said.

H2B2 is a proud member and supporter of The Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES), with SoHyCal an example of the type of projects the hub can promote.

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