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CarbonQuest and Daroga Power partner on C&I fuel cell and carbon capture

The partnership is providing clients with financing for the upfront capital necessary to purchase their fuel cell and carbon capture systems.

CarbonQuest, a carbon capture technology provider supporting the onsite decarbonization of buildings, campus settings and other facilities, and Daroga Power, a ​​sustainable infrastructure and distributed generation developer, have entered a partnership to bring a low-carbon fuel cell solution to the commercial and industrial sectors in the U.S. and Canada.

Under the terms of the partnership, Daroga Power will develop, install and operate fuel cells that can power industrial facilities, buildings, and campus settings without interruptions and without the need for batteries, according to a news release.

CarbonQuest’s Distributed Carbon Capture™ system will be used in conjunction with the fuel cells to capture the systems’ generated carbon before it is emitted to the atmosphere. CarbonQuest will also sell the captured carbon to industrial users.

To hasten adoption, the partnership is providing clients with financing for the upfront capital necessary to purchase the systems. Daroga and CarbonQuest will also provide long-term maintenance support for the fuel cells and carbon capture components.

Given the power capacity limitations of the New York regional grid, along with delayed renewable interconnection, a fuel cell + carbon capture solution offers both short- and long-term benefits to many types of energy users with on-site, base-load power that is also low carbon.

CarbonQuest and Daroga aim to sign on approximately 20 projects in the next 12 months, which will generate an anticipated 100,000 metric tons per year of recycled, liquified Sustainable CO2.

After being captured by CarbonQuest’s system, the liquid CO2 will be sold to various off-takers across the Northeastern U.S. Given the severe constraint of CO2 supply in the region, CarbonQuest’s Sustainable CO2™ offers a unique solution for CO2 users while also supporting the growth of new carbon-based industries.

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