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BayoTech to build 350-ton-per-year hydrogen hub in Missouri

BayoTech will partner with Ranken Technical College to train personnel for the plant, which will be built near St. Louis.

BayoTech, Inc., a hydrogen solutions provider, in partnership with Ranken Technical College, will expand their hydrogen distribution network into the St. Louis, Missouri region, according to a news release.

The BayoTech-owned BayoGaaS™ Hydrogen Hub will be located onsite at Ranken and will produce 350 tons per year of low-cost, low-carbon hydrogen for local users. The Hydrogen Hub will create 10 local clean energy full-time jobs.

BayoTech and Ranken will collaborate on the development of programs to educate and certify skilled workers to support the growing hydrogen sector. The innovative curriculum will focus on hydrogen production plant manufacturing, operations and maintenance, as well as hydrogen dispensing, fueling and transportation; and advanced manufacturing of hydrogen technologies.

“BayoTech is proud to partner with an institution as forward-thinking as Ranken Technical College. Our investment will produce the low-carbon fuel needed to reduce local emissions while developing the next generation of energy workers,” said Mo Vargas, BayoTech’s CEO.

Hydrogen, produced by BayoTech’s proven safe, reliable, and sustainable technology, will be available to serve local customers operating zero-emission fuel cell equipment or hydrogen-intensive industrial processes in and around Missouri. Hydrogen will be delivered via BayoTech’s high-pressure gas transport trailers designed for higher gas utilization

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