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Biofuels firm scouting Florida locations for SAF plant

Blue Biofuels is evaluating prospective locations in Florida capable of accommodating both SAF and cellulosic ethanol production facilities.

Blue Biofuels Inc. (BIOF) has successfully produced its first batch of cellulosic ethanol, utilizing the cellulosic sugars created from biomass on its cellulose-to-sugar pilot line, according to a news release.

BIOF, based in Palm Beach Gardens, has been granted two US Patents, with an additional six patents currently pending. These patents underscore BIOF’s commitment to proprietary advancements, strongly positioning the company in the biofuels landscape. BIOF remains dedicated to expanding its patent portfolio as it continues to upscale and commercialize its process.

Entering into the next phase, BIOF has embarked on the funding process to establish production capacity for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in collaboration with Vertimass. BIOF is evaluating prospective locations in Florida capable of accommodating both SAF and cellulosic ethanol production facilities.

The company is also engaged in multiple discussions to expand its off-take agreements for biofuels. In addition to its established off-take arrangement with World Energy Sustainable Products, LLC, BIOF remains committed to forging new partnerships to meet the growing market demand for sustainable energy solutions.

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