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CB&I and Daewoo studying LH2 carrier and storage design

The companies will conduct a feasibility study of a liquid hydrogen carrier including an a storage tank design

CB&I, McDermott’s storage business line, and South Korea’s Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. (DSME), have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for a feasibility study of a liquid hydrogen (LH2) carrier including an LH2 storage tank design, according to a news release.

CB&I will evaluate its LH2 storage tank design for ocean-going ships and DSME will investigate and develop the ship’s general design to install the LH2 storage tank. The output of the feasibility study is expected to contribute to the future design of a large-scale LH2 carrier.

CB&I spheres can store LH2 at temperatures of -423 degrees Fahrenheit and the company is nearing completion of the world’s largest LH2 sphere in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

The ability to ship large quantities of hydrogen across the ocean is an increasing need to help countries like South Korea achieve carbon reduction goals in a hydrogen economy.

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