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Clean methanol startup raises early stage funding

The Virginia company develops off-grid hybrid solutions for electrolytic hydrogen-to-methanol production for use in aviation and shipping.

Methylennium Energy has received an investment of cash and in-kind engineering design services from The Process Group, according to a news release.

MLE offers a platform for production of e-methanol from waste CO2 and renewable hydrogen to use as a feedstock for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and trans-ocean shipping.

A flexible methanol synthesis reactor and process enables the use of intermittent power sources, while behind-the-meter power integration increases yield per installed MW of renewables. Cost targets for grid-independent e-methanol are in the range of $500 to $1000 per ton.

Methylennium is based in Falls Church, Virginia and develops off-grid hybrid solutions to maximize electrolytic hydrogen production from intermittent renewable power sources.

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