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Bison | North Drumheller CCS Project

In October 2022, Bison was awarded a second Hub evaluation agreement for the North Drumheller (ND) Carbon Storage project. The project will target the Calgary area and emitters that could co-locate at the site

Heidelberg Materials | Edmonton CCUS facility

The development of a carbon capture and storage facility at Heidelberg Materials’ cement plant in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The full-scale project is expected to capture over 1 million tonnes of CO₂ annually as of 2026, up to 95% of the plant’s total CO₂ emissions. Heidelberg Materials and the Government of Canada successfully completed a Memorandum… Continue reading Heidelberg Materials | Edmonton CCUS facility

Capital Power | Genesee CCS Project

In May 2024, Capital Power discontinued the development of carbon capture technology at its Genesee Generating Station, near Warburg, Alberta. “After a detailed review of the project, we have concluded that the economics for CCS at the Genesee site do not meet our targeted risk-return thresholds,” CEO Avik Dey said, stressing that the company still… Continue reading Capital Power | Genesee CCS Project

Deep Sky Direct Ocean Capture Pilot Plant

A large pilot plant in eastern Quebec. The plant will use Captura’s technology — powered by hydroelectric dams — to suck 100 metric tons of CO2 from the ocean annually. If successful, the two companies plan to build one or more commercial facilities that could capture up to 1 million metric tons of CO2 each… Continue reading Deep Sky Direct Ocean Capture Pilot Plant

Atlas Carbon Storage Hub

A carbon sequestration hub east of Edmonton, Canada, to service Alberta’s industrial heartland region providing permanent subsurface carbon storage for industrial users, in an open-access hub format. Atlas would permanently store CO2 in a porous rock formation called the Basal Cambrian Sands – located about 2 km underground. The project would be built in phases.… Continue reading Atlas Carbon Storage Hub

Alberta Carbon Trunk Line (ACTL)

A multi-party, open-access 240 km long carbon pipeline, which gathers, compresses, and stores up to 14.6 million tonnes of CO2 per year, and injects this CO2 into depleted oil reservoirs. The pipeline runs from the Alberta Industrial Heartland to a site near Clive. The ACTL gathers 1.6 million tonnes of CO₂ per year from the… Continue reading Alberta Carbon Trunk Line (ACTL)

Bison | Meadowbrook CCS Hub (MCSH Project)

The Meadowbrook Storage Hub project aims to provide permanent CO2 sequestration services on a multi-client basis, to existing and new Alberta industries seeking to reduce their emissions, through the adoption of CCUS. It aims to sequester 3 million tonnes CO2 per annum for 25 years. It utilizes a deep saline aquifer to facilitate permanent sequestration.… Continue reading Bison | Meadowbrook CCS Hub (MCSH Project)

Alberta Carbon Grid (ACG) Industrial Heartland Project

Alberta Carbon Grid’s first CCUS hub. The ACG Industrial Heartland project was selected by the Government of Alberta to further evaluate the proposed location for safely storing carbon in March 2022. ACG secured the rights to evaluate over 900,000 hectares of land north of Fort Saskatchewan. The project will be developed in phases with the… Continue reading Alberta Carbon Grid (ACG) Industrial Heartland Project

PEI | Prince Edward Island Hydrogen Village

The project was meant to demonstrate how wind energy and hydrogen technologies can work together in the real world to offer clean and sustainable energy solutions. The key component in this project was an electrolyzer, which will take electricity directly from a turbine and use it to break water into oxygen and hydrogen. This is… Continue reading PEI | Prince Edward Island Hydrogen Village

Enerkem | Varennes Carbon Recycling Facility

In December 2020, Enerkem announced the construction of a CAD 875 million biofuels plant in Varennes with a group of strategic partners including Shell, as lead investor, as well as Suncor and Proman, and Hydro-Québec, which will supply renewable hydrogen and oxygen, and with the support of the governments of Quebec and Canada. Varennes Carbon… Continue reading Enerkem | Varennes Carbon Recycling Facility

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