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Fortis BC | Tilbury Phase 1 LNG Expansion Project

The Tilbury LNG facility is powered by renewable hydroelectricity, creating safe, lower-carbon LNG since 1971. Originally, the facility’s purpose was to store LNG. It was then developed to produce LNG for transportation and export to China. Phase 1 expansion, which included a 46,000 cubic meter storage tank and a liquefaction capacity of 0.25 mtpa, was… Continue reading Fortis BC | Tilbury Phase 1 LNG Expansion Project

Nisga’a Nation | Ksi Lisims LNG

Ksi Lisims LNG is a proposed LNG project at Wil Milit on the northern tip of Pearse Island near the Nisga’a village of Gingolx, in British Columbia. The project as a floating design that uses hydroelectricity to convert natural gas for export. It is a collaboration between the Nisga’a Nation, a group of Canadian natural… Continue reading Nisga’a Nation | Ksi Lisims LNG

Woodfibre LNG Project

Woodfibre LNG is a LNG export facility. It is located approximately 7 km west-southwest of Squamish, British Columbia. It is located on the previous Woodfibre pulp mill site. The facility has a storage capacity of 250,000 m3 and produces approximately 2.1 mtpa of LNG. The project is powered by renewable hydroelectricity. It’s end-market is Asia.… Continue reading Woodfibre LNG Project

LNG Canada | Kitimat Phase 2

Phase 2 of LNG Canada’s large-scale LNG export facility in Kitimat, BC. As of 2023, LNG Canada with its joint venture participants was evaluating the timeline and scope for a second phase expansion of the project, having identified potential opportunities to further advance electrification at the export facility. Phase 1 achieved FID in 2018 and… Continue reading LNG Canada | Kitimat Phase 2

LNG Canada | Kitimat Phase 1

LNG Canada, in Kitimat, BC, will be Canada’s first large-scale LNG export facility once complete, aiming for first exports by 2025. FID was taken in 2018. The developing joint-venture includes LNG Canada, Shell, PETRONAS, PetroChina, Mitsubishi Corporation and KOGAS. Each joint venture participant will be responsible to provide its own natural gas supply and will… Continue reading LNG Canada | Kitimat Phase 1

Haisla Nation | Cedar LNG

The Cedar LNG project is a floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility with a nameplate capacity of 3.3 million tonnes per annum, located in the traditional territory of the Haisla Nation, on Canada’s West Coast. It is led by Haisla Nation and Pembina Pipeline Corporation. It achieved FID in June 2024 and it is expected… Continue reading Haisla Nation | Cedar LNG

MAX Power | Rider Natural Hydrogen Project

In August 2024, MAX Power Mining Corp. announced it has identified a prospective naturally occurring hydrogen resource play in southeast Saskatchewan featuring dozens of historical hydrogen showings, including grades up to 96.4%. As a result, through a series of permit applications, MAX Power assembled a 3,356 sq. km land package, the Rider Natural Hydrogen Project,… Continue reading MAX Power | Rider Natural Hydrogen Project

Entropy | Methanex | Medicine Hat CCUS Retrofit

Methanex Corporation and Entropy Inc. entered into an agreement to invest in a Preliminary Front-End Engineering and Design study for carbon capture, utilization and sequestration deployment at Methanex’s Medicine Hat, Alberta facility. The agreement is dated July 2024. Upon final investment decision, Entropy will construct and own the capture equipment adjacent to Methanex’s facility and… Continue reading Entropy | Methanex | Medicine Hat CCUS Retrofit

Strathcona | SAGD Oil Sands CCS

The Canada Growth Fund formed a partnership with Strathcona Resources to build CCS infrastructure on Strathcona’s steam-assisted gravity drainage oil sands facilities across Saskatchewan and Alberta. The partnership was announced in July 2024. Through the SAGD CCS Partnership, Strathcona will seek to capture and permanently store up to two million tons of CO2 annually, with… Continue reading Strathcona | SAGD Oil Sands CCS

ClearSky | Biofuels Facilities

In June 2024, Canada-based ClearSky Global Corp. announced it had raised US$168 million from a private international ESG investment group, facilitated by Tailwind Ventures as financial advisor to commercialize three facilities. ClearSky plans to use the funding to deploy ECOGY® technology to produce low-carbon aviation and transportation fuel. This technology converts natural gas to both… Continue reading ClearSky | Biofuels Facilities

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