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Cowboy Clean Fuels completes series B round

Cowboy Clean Fuels has raised $13m to commercialize its technology for the simultaneous production of RNG and permanent sequestration of carbon dioxide.

Cowboy Clean Fuels (CCF), an advanced climate tech and energy transition company, is pleased to announce the successful closing of approximately $13m in Series B equity financing.

The funding will be pivotal in commercializing its groundbreaking technology for the simultaneous production of renewable natural gas (RNG) and permanent sequestration of carbon dioxide, presenting a significant opportunity for investors in the growing renewable energy and carbon markets, according to a news release.

Founded in 2020, CCF utilizes depleted Coal Bed Methane (CBM) wells and infrastructure in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin to generate carbon-negative RNG from agricultural byproducts. These byproducts are converted into CO2 and renewable methane through a biogenic process in deep, geologic coal formations. The commercialization of this technology, termed “Biomass with Carbon Removal and Storage, plus Renewable Natural Gas (BiCRS+RNG),” represents a scalable, capital-efficient solution in the renewable energy sector.

The Series B financing round was led by Houston-based Machan Investments, the family office of former energy executive Dan Dinges. Cowboy Clean Fuels was advised in the transaction by Syren Capital.

Combined with $7.8m in Energy Matching Funds (EMF) from the Wyoming Energy Authority (WEA), this capital will support the development of CCF’s first commercial project in Wyoming, the Triangle Unit Renewable Energy and Carbon Capture and Storage (TRECCS) Project.

With approval for a Notice to Inject from the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ), the TRECCS Project began commercial operations in early June. Since then, it has injected 15,000 barrels of mixed feedstock for microbial conversion to methane and carbon dioxide. This marks a significant milestone as CCF advances towards full commercialization.

RNG is one of the fastest-growing renewable energy markets in the United States, offering a cost-effective decarbonization pathway for various industrial processes. CCF’s first project is expected to produce approximately 600 million cubic feet of pipeline-ready RNG annually at full scale, providing a lucrative opportunity for investors. The carbon dioxide removal market is also rapidly gaining traction, with increasing recognition as crucial for achieving Net Zero goals. CCF’s technology, developed by co-founder Dr. Michael Urynowicz and licensed from the University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources, is ready for commercial deployment and can sequester approximately 180,000 metric tons of CO2e per year at scale.

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