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HydrogenPro to build 500 MW electrolyzer facility in Texas

The Norway-based company will spend between $30m - $50m on the facility.

HydrogenPro will take its first major step into the US market with the establishment of 500 MW manufacturing capacity in Texas, US, with an estimated total investment cost of $30m to $50m.

The brownfield investment includes a separate advanced electrode manufacturing facility, representing a technology game changer in the HydrogenPro solutions offering, according to a news release.

This move will increase HydrogenPro’s manufacturing capacity to 800 MW in total and represents a major milestone in establishing a global presence as part of the strategy to become #1 provider of large-scale green hydrogen technology & systems.

In the US, HydrogenPro has agreements in place with DG Fuels to supply green hydrogen technology with a capacity of approximately 1.7 GW to the Louisiana and Maine sustainable aviation fuel projects.

The new site is planned to have an initial capacity of 500 MW with the option to significantly scale up the capacity to several gigawatts in due time.

The US market is HydrogenPro’s top priority, and manufacturing capacity on this continent provides a fundamental platform to succeed with the announced growth ambitions. With this, HydrogenPro will take a market-leading position and become the only viable large-scale player providing high-pressure alkaline electrolyzer technology & systems, the news release states.

The company recently hired Tarjei Johansen as CEO. Johansen previously held senior roles at the Houston-based operations of Bureau Veritas, Kemira, and Schlumberger.

HydrogenPro has conducted an extensive strategic review of various US states to determine the most suitable location. All locations have been assessed based on several factors, incl. access to site and skilled workers, infrastructure, ease of sourcing raw materials, proximity to end-users and incentive programs offered by different states.

The US market has been served by HydrogenPro’s European sales team for some time, which has resulted in a significant pipeline of relevant and attractive projects already in progress. The US organization will be ramped-up in parallel with the manufacturing expansion.

“The US factory will be our bridgehead into the North American market. A key factor for us to become the leading provider of green hydrogen technology & systems is our presence across continents, securing sustainable and local supply chains,” said Johansen, adding: “We have great confidence in our technology & systems being an excellent fit for large-scale industrial applications, where we are now seeing an unprecedented increase in demand for green hydrogen following the IRA.”

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