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JERA concludes Hekinan ammonia co-firing demonstration

Following the demonstration, JERA will in July begin construction aimed at commercial operation using large-volume fuel ammonia substitution at Hekinan Thermal Power Station.

JERA Co., has concluded demonstration testing of fuel ammonia substitution at Hekinan Thermal Power Station Unit 4.

Based on the results of this recent demonstration testing, JERA will in July begin construction aimed at commercial operation using large-volume fuel ammonia substitution (20% of heating value) at Hekinan Thermal Power Station, according to a news release.

Under this project, JERA and IHI have conducted the world’s first demonstration testing of large-volume fuel ammonia substitution (20% of heating value) at a large-scale coal-fired thermal power plant. (1 April 2024 press release.)

On 10 April 2024, this demonstration testing achieved 20% substitution of fuel ammonia while operating at a rated output of 1 GW. Results were positive, confirming that the level of nitrogen oxides (NOx) generated was no higher than before fuel ammonia substitution (than when firing coal alone), a 20% reduction in sulfur oxides (SOx), and that generation of N2O, which has a strong greenhouse effect, was below the threshold for detection. We also confirmed that operability was comparable to before fuel ammonia substitution (to when firing coal alone).

Going forward, JERA will conduct a thorough evaluation of the impact of the recent demonstration testing on the boiler and peripheral equipment and aims to establish, by March 2025, technologies aimed at mainstreaming the use of ammonia as fuel in thermal power generation.

By establishing fuel ammonia substitution technologies, JERA will offer a clean energy supply platform that combines renewable energy with low-carbon thermal power, contributing to the healthy growth and development of Asia and the world.

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