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Natural hydrogen firm uncovers Saskatchewan reserves

A Vancouver-based natural hydrogen firm says it has uncovered Canada's largest potential resource in Saskatchewan.

Vancouver-based MAX Power Mining Corp. has identified a prospective naturally occurring hydrogen resource play in southeast Saskatchewan featuring dozens of historical hydrogen showings, including grades up to 96.4%, according to a news release.

As a result, through a series of permit applications, MAX Power has assembled a 3,356 sq. km land package, the Rider Natural Hydrogen Project, situated within the ~200-km-long NE-SW striking Torquay-Rocanville Corridor.

Multiple high-priority target areas exist across five separate large claim blocks and include evidence of potential upward migration of hydrogen to surface, possibly through serpentinization or fracture zones, making the Rider Project the largest known area in Canada for the potential discovery of naturally occurring accumulations of hydrogen gas, according to the company.

MAX Power’s staking covers almost all of the available Crown land as well as the premier Natural Hydrogen targets within the Torquay-Rocanville Corridor.

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