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Nel exploring spin-off of fueling division

Nel is exploring spinning off its fueling division as a dividend-in-kind to all existing Nel ASA shareholders and applying for listing of the shares on the Oslo Stock Exchange this year.

Nel ASA (Nel) (OSE: NEL) has initiated a process to explore and prepare for a potential spin-off and separate listing of its Fueling division with the intention to create two independent pure-play companies aiming to become market leaders in their respective fields, according to a news release.

“We have seen limited synergies between the Fueling and Electrolyser divisions and believe each business will be better positioned to become market leaders in their respective fields by operating independently,” says Nel’s CEO, Håkon Volldal.

One year ago, when Nel presented its fourth quarter 2022 report, the company stated it was considering strategic actions for its Fueling division. Nel is now exploring spinning off the Fueling division as a dividend-in-kind to all existing Nel ASA shareholders and applying for listing of the shares in the separate fueling company on an OSE regulated market during 2024.

This will create two streamlined and focused companies that can pursue their individual strategic agendas. Nel will ensure that the independent fueling company will have a sufficient liquidity runway at the time of listing.

“The underlying market drivers for electrolysers and hydrogen fueling stations remain strong. We believe that two independent and focused companies represent the structure that maximizes the likelihood of success for each business and therefore long-term shareholder value,” Volldal says.

The decision to spin off and separately list the Fueling division has not yet been concluded and no assurances can currently be given that it will be completed. If completed, the shares of Nel (comprising its Electrolyser division) will remain listed on the OSE under the ticker “NEL”.

Carnegie AS has been engaged as financial advisor to assist Nel in this process, and Wikborg Rein Advokatfirma AS is acting as Nel’s legal counsel.

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