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New JV to provide H2-blending solutions to gas utilities

Progressus Clean Technologies and Alkaline Fuel Cell Power have entered into a JV for a H2-blending pilot project for natural gas utilities.

Progressus Clean Technologies and Alkaline Fuel Cell Power have entered into a JV for a H2-blending pilot project for natural gas utilities, according to a news release.

The JV is intended to combine Progressus technologies with AFCP fuel cells to serve residential and small building customers across North America. PowerTap Hydrogen owns 49% of Progress.

Gas distribution companies and municipalities are setting-up projects to inject hydrogen into the local gas distribution grid.; generally up to 20% hydrogen.

The project is designed to use the Progressus hydrogen separation technology to efficiently extract hydrogen at high purities from the existing natural gas grid, and then convert the purified hydrogen using either AFCP’s 4 kW Micro-CHP or 4 kW generator to produce electricity, and potentially heat. This project could be put to immediate use in a residential home or commercial building, providing truly zero-emission power. AFCP has already identified interest from natural gas and electric utilities and municipalities to pilot the concept.

The exact location of the JV pilot project remains under consideration but, initially, North America will be the focus with secondary priority given to potential future pilots in Europe.

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