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Plug Power and Olin launch hydrogen production and marketing JV

Plug Power and Olin Corporation have launched Hidrogenii, a joint venture to provide green hydrogen throughout North America.

Plug Power and Olin Corporation have launched Hidrogenii, a joint venture to provide green hydrogen throughout North America, according to a press release.

Hidrogenii’’s first project will be a a 15 ton per day hydrogen plant in St. Gabriel, Louisiana.

Plug will be the exclusive marketer of the joint venture’s hydrogen and provide logistical support for delivery, while Olin, North America’s largest producer of electrolytic hydrogen headquartered in Missouri, will provide reliable hydrogen supply and operational expertise.

The Louisiana plant will benefit from state and local tax subsidies. It joins Plug’s growing national network of hydrogen plants in various planning and construction phases in New York, Tennessee, Georgia, Texas and California.

By 2025, Plug expects to produce 500 tons per day of liquid green hydrogen.

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