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Gerald Gentleman Station Carbon Capture

A potential carbon capture operation at Nebraska Public Power District’s Gerald Gentleman Station, near Sutherland. The project received funding from the U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory. ION Clean Energy conducted the FEED study. ION utilizes its solvent-based CO2 capture technology, ICE-21, as the basis for the CO2 capture design. As of 2023,… Continue reading Gerald Gentleman Station Carbon Capture

Plant Daniel Carbon Capture Project

The installation of of Linde-Basf Advanced Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Technology at Mississippi Power’s Plant Daniel natural gas-fired power plant. Southern Company Services collaborated with Linde Gas North America LLC to conduct a front-end engineering and design study for the installation of a commercial-scale carbon capture system based on the Linde-BASF advanced aqueous amine solvent-based carbon dioxide… Continue reading Plant Daniel Carbon Capture Project

Prairie State Generating Station CCS Retrofit

The retrofit of Unit 2 (816 MWe) of Prairie State Generating Station’s coal-fired power station with a capture plant using Mitsubishi Heavy Industries post-combustion CO2 capture technology. The station is in Marissa, Illinois. University of Illinois, along with project partners Kiewit Corporation, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America, Inc., and Sargent & Lundy, performed multiple feasibility and… Continue reading Prairie State Generating Station CCS Retrofit

Mustang Station Carbon Capture Project

A carbon capture project at the natural gas-fueled 464-MW Mustang Station of Golden Spread Electric Cooperative in Denver City, Texas. The University of Texas at Austin is conducting a FEED study for carbon capture at the station.

Blue Flint Ethanol CCS

A CO2 storage project at Blue Flint Ethanol plant near Underwood, in McLean County, North Dakota. The CO2 is stored in the Broom Creek Formation. The North Dakota Industrial Commission approved the project in May 2023. The CCS plant started injections in October 2023. The project was started by Midwest AgEnergy Group, which was sold… Continue reading Blue Flint Ethanol CCS

Dry Fork Integrated Commercial CCS (Wyoming CarbonSAFE Project)

Commercial-scale CCS for the Dry Fork Station power plant, in the Powder River Basin, in Wyoming, with saline storage sites capable of storing 50 million tonnes of CO2. Basin Electric’s Dry Fork Station has been the site of Wyoming Integrated Test Center since 2018. In 2023, Membrane Technology and Research, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, and Japan… Continue reading Dry Fork Integrated Commercial CCS (Wyoming CarbonSAFE Project)

Mendota Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage Project

The Mendota Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage Project would deliver produced electricity to the California grid while capturing CO2 before it is released into the atmosphere. The revitalized biomass plant gasifies waste biomass fuels to produce a synthesis gas. This “syngas” is used by Clean Energy Systems’ (CES’) proprietary oxy-combustion technology to produce electricity while… Continue reading Mendota Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage Project

Diamond Vault Carbon Capture Facility

Carbon capture and storage facility at Cleco’s Brame Energy Center’s Madison 3 power plant.

Estevan NET Power Plant

A commercial-scale NET Power plant by 8 Rivers Capital in the City of Estevan NET Power’s Allam-Fetvedt cycle technology combusts natural gas with oxygen, as opposed to air, and uses supercritical carbon dioxide as a working fluid to drive the turbine and produce zero emissions electricity. This cycle can hit the same efficiency of a traditional… Continue reading Estevan NET Power Plant

Sempra | Hackberry Carbon Sequestration Project

A proposed carbon capture storage facility designed to sequester CO2 from Cameron LNG and potentially other industrial sources. Cameron LNG Phase 1 and proposed Phase 2 export projects would potentially serve as the anchor source for the capture and sequestration of CO2. With the development of this project, the CO2 would be captured at the… Continue reading Sempra | Hackberry Carbon Sequestration Project

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