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Deep Sky Direct Ocean Capture Pilot Plant

A large pilot plant in eastern Quebec. The plant will use Captura’s technology — powered by hydroelectric dams — to suck 100 metric tons of CO2 from the ocean annually. If successful, the two companies plan to build one or more commercial facilities that could capture up to 1 million metric tons of CO2 each… Continue reading Deep Sky Direct Ocean Capture Pilot Plant

Captura AltaSea Direct Ocean Capture Pilot System

with AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles that will further advance ocean-climate solutions. AltaSea’s 35-acre blue economy campus will become home to Captura’s second Direct Ocean Capture pilot system in partnership with AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles. The pilot system will be located at AltaSea’s 35-acre blue economy campus. The system was… Continue reading Captura AltaSea Direct Ocean Capture Pilot System

Planetary Technologies | Nova Scotia Pilot Project

Planetary’s proprietary technology purifies mine waste into a mild, nontoxic antacid which is then released into the ocean through existing, regulated outfalls such as wastewater or stormwater streams where it is consistently monitored. When mixed with seawater, the antacid restores the ocean’s pH levels and accelerates the ocean’s natural process of pulling carbon dioxide from… Continue reading Planetary Technologies | Nova Scotia Pilot Project

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