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SAF buyers alliance reaches $200m of commitments

The latest corporate buyers include BlackRock, Ripple, and Block.

Watershed, the enterprise sustainability platform, has facilitated the purchase of sustainable aviation fuel certificates (SAFc) on behalf of customers including BlackRockRippleSamsara, and Block.

The purchases, coordinated with the Sustainable Aviation Buyers Alliance (SABA), will add high-integrity sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) directly to Alaska Airlines passenger flights, and the SAFc will be applied to the companies’ corporate footprints to compensate for business travel emissions, according to a news release.

This investment supports the production and use of SAF, an emerging climate technology for air travel. The purchases are part of SABA’s largest-ever collection of deals, announced in April 2024: commitments expected to result in $200M of SAFc worth roughly 50 million gallons of SAF, or 500,000 tonnes of abated CO2e over the next five years. Watershed is an aggregator partner of SABA, which accelerates investment in, and adoption of, sustainable aviation fuel. With this purchase, Watershed customers including BlackRock, Ripple, Samsara, and Block are participants in SABA.

“We see collective engagement in the SAF market as a compelling demand signal,” said Claire Kiely, Head of Watershed Marketplace Carbon Supply. “Watershed consolidates our customers’ demand for high-impact, low-carbon technology like sustainable aviation fuel, then works with SAF suppliers, airlines, and experts through SABA to meet that demand and grow an essential new sector. By participating in this historic investment, Watershed customers are providing a powerful demand signal for SAF and affirming the role SAFc will play in corporate emissions reduction initiatives.”

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