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Delek | Crossett Biodiesel Plant

In 2Q 2024, Delek idled three of its biodiesel plants, including the one in Crosset Arkansas.  

Indaba West Memphis SAF Refinery

Indaba Renewable Fuels’s refinery in West Memphis, Arkansas. Once operational, the refinery will produce around 79.5 million gallons of high-grade, low-sulphur, drop-in SAF a year using the Haldor Topsøe technology “HydroFlex”. Indaba’s SAF will be produced using feedstock from 50% yellow grease – from used cooking oil, and 50% brown grease – from fat, oil… Continue reading Indaba West Memphis SAF Refinery

Ash Grove Foreman Cement Plant CCS

The proposed project includes integrated CO2 capture and storage associated with cement manufacturing at the Ash Grove Foreman Cement Plant in Foreman, Arkansas. The proposed project includes Air Liquide’s CryocapTM technology as the basis for post-combustion and/or process system CO2 capture, and pipeline and storage field development in the Jurassic Smackover Formation. In May 2023,… Continue reading Ash Grove Foreman Cement Plant CCS

HALO Hydrogen Hub (Encouraged)

The HALO Hub’s approach is to employ public-private partnerships that lead to deployment and development of an extensive hydrogen network in the three constituent states, ultimately to be integrated into the national hydrogen network. HALO goals support transformative technologies and investments that will drive lower costs and increase adoption of hydrogen to reduce carbon and… Continue reading HALO Hydrogen Hub (Encouraged)

LSB | Lapis Energy | El Dorado Blue Ammonia CCS Project

LSB Industries and Lapis Energy are developing a project to capture and permanently sequester CO2 at LSB’s El Dorado, Arkansas facility. The CO2 is produced as a by-product of LSB’s ammonia production at the facility. The CO2 will be injected into deep geological formations largely located under LSB’s existing 1,400-acre plant site. Lapis, backed by… Continue reading LSB | Lapis Energy | El Dorado Blue Ammonia CCS Project

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