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Carbon Storage Solutions | Front Range Energy CCS

Carbon Storage Solutions LLC, a subsidiary of Front Range Energy, filed for a Class VI well permit from the EPA in May 2024. The company aims to capture the CO2 derived from the From Range Energy’s ethanol fermentation process and sequester it near its facility in Windsor, Colorado.  

Global Thermostat | Kilotonne-scale K-Series plant

A kilotonne-scale K-Series plant located near Denver, Colorado. Global Thermostat has been operating the unit since 2022.

Sacramento Delta Carbon Storage

Colorado School of Mines will conduct a feasibility study to advance a carbon storage reservoir in the Sacramento Delta. The project was selected for CarbonSAFE Phase II: Storage Complex Feasibility, and will perform technical, economic, and community assessments for potential CO2 storage complexes. The project is among 16 projects selected by the U.S. Department of… Continue reading Sacramento Delta Carbon Storage

Xcel Energy IGCC plant

Xcel suspended consideration in November 2007, too expensive for perceived demand.  

Yuma and Sterling Ethanol Carbon Capture and Storage Projects

The Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) projects at the Yuma Ethanol and Sterling Ethanol plants would capture and store 95 percent of annual carbon dioxide emissions during the fermentation process before it can be released into the atmosphere. The two plants use fermented corn to produce ethanol — a renewable fuel made from plants to… Continue reading Yuma and Sterling Ethanol Carbon Capture and Storage Projects

Project Eos Carbon Storage Hub

Project Eos is a potential carbon storage hub for the Pueblo, Colorado area to reduce industrial emissions from cement, steel, and power plant operations.

Holcim Portland Cement Plant CCS

A commercial-scale carbon-capture facility at the Holcim Portland Cement Plant in Florence, Colorado, U.S. The facility would be designed to capture up to 725,000 tonnes of CO2 per year directly from the LafargeHolcim cement plant, which would be sequestered underground permanently by Occidental. CO2 would be used by Occidental for enhanced oil recovery.

8 Rivers | Coyote Clean Power Project

The development of the Coyote Clean Power Project, a zero-emissions NET Power plant. The plant is located within the Southern Ute Indian Reservation. The Coyote Clean Power Project is expected to produce 280 MW of clean power 24/7, while capturing and storing CO2. Its design is based on the NET Power system, which combusts fuel… Continue reading 8 Rivers | Coyote Clean Power Project

Colorado (Pueblo) Regional DAC Hub

The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois is leading an effort to promote technologies that can capture CO2 from the atmosphere and store it underground. The program includes the development of a DAC hub built upon previous geological studies conducted on the Denver-Julesburg Basin. The Colorado Regional DAC Hub intends to develop cooperative… Continue reading Colorado (Pueblo) Regional DAC Hub

Wind2H2 Project NREL – Xcel Energy

Formed in partnership with Xcel Energy, NREL’s wind-to-hydrogen (Wind2H2) demonstration project links wind turbines and photovoltaic (PV) arrays to electrolyzer stacks, which pass the generated electricity through water to split it into hydrogen and oxygen. The resulting hydrogen is stored for later use at the site’s hydrogen fueling station or converted back to electricity (via… Continue reading Wind2H2 Project NREL – Xcel Energy

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