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New Fortress Energy | Puerto Rico LNG Facility

New Fortress Energy’s LNG facility in Puerto Rico is located in the Port of San Juan, It includes truck loading bays and it will be supplying LNG to the San Juan Combined Cycle Power Plant. The facility was commissioned in 2020.

EcoEléctrica | Peñuelas LNG Import Terminal

The EcoEléctrica LNG import terminal in Penuelas, Puerto Rico, supplies natural gas to a local power plant.

Puerto Rico LNG-to-hydrogen plant

Puerto Rico’s P3 authority has shortlisted six proponents for its LNG to hydrogen plant project. The request for qualifications was issued 1 March and calls for the island’s power authority, PREPA, to enter into a long-term contract with a private partner to identify a site location, design, permit, finance, construct, install, manage, operate and maintain… Continue reading Puerto Rico LNG-to-hydrogen plant

Caribbean Hydrogen Hub (Discouraged)

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