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CWLP Dallman Unit 4 200-MW CCS

In May 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy selected the University of Illinois’ Illinois Sustainable Technology Center at Prairie Research Institute for a project to conduct an integrated capture, transport, and geological storage study of CO2 emissions at Dallman Unit 4. DOE is allocating $4.7 million for this front-end engineering design study, which will explore… Continue reading CWLP Dallman Unit 4 200-MW CCS

CWLP 10MWe Dallman Unit 4 Carbon Capture Pilot Project

A carbon capture project at the City Water, Light and Power (CWLP) plant in Springfield, Illinois. The project is supported by DOE’s NETL and it is led by the University of Illinois, in partnership with the Linde Group, BASF Corporation, Affiliated Engineers, Inc., Affiliated Construction Services, Inc., and Visage Energy. The large pilot testing will evaluate… Continue reading CWLP 10MWe Dallman Unit 4 Carbon Capture Pilot Project

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