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Strategic Biofuels | Louisiana Green Fuels

A renewable fuel plant at the Port of Columbia in Caldwell Parish, Louisiana. The plant is being developed by Strategic Biofuels. As of early 2024, the project’s primary renewable fuel product is sustainable aviation fuel, with renewable naphtha as a byproduct utilizing woody biomass waste. The project was originally focused on renewable diesel. The production… Continue reading Strategic Biofuels | Louisiana Green Fuels

Stewardship Hydrogen H2Hub (discouraged)

Southern Rock low-carbon crude refinery

KBR has been awarded a feasibility study contract by Southern Rock Energy Partners to support the development of a first-of-its-kind refinery in Cushing, Oklahoma. Southern Rock’s proposed 250,000bpd refinery will be powered by solar, wind, waste heat and geothermal energy and consume hydrogen and oxygen as a fuel source, making it a truly cutting-edge refinery… Continue reading Southern Rock low-carbon crude refinery

Southeast Iowa Regional Hub

Scaled Interconnected System of Integrated Micro H2 Hubs (discouraged)

Riverview Hydrogen Hub (discouraged)

Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs (discouraged)

Puerto Rico LNG-to-hydrogen plant

Puerto Rico’s P3 authority has shortlisted six proponents for its LNG to hydrogen plant project. The request for qualifications was issued 1 March and calls for the island’s power authority, PREPA, to enter into a long-term contract with a private partner to identify a site location, design, permit, finance, construct, install, manage, operate and maintain… Continue reading Puerto Rico LNG-to-hydrogen plant

TC Energy | Project Tundra CCS

Project Tundra is a CCS that will be developed adjacent to the Milton R. Young Station, a coal-fired power plant near Center, North Dakota. The captured CO2 will be permanently stored in saline geologic formations beneath and surrounding the power plant. Project Tundra is led by the project sponsors of Dakota Carbon Center East Project… Continue reading TC Energy | Project Tundra CCS

Phoenix Hydrogen Hub

The Phoenix Hydrogen Hub is green hydrogen project located near Phoenix, in the city of Buckeye, Arizona. Phase One of the PHH project is planned to be an 80MW electrolyzer and liquefaction facility, capable of producing up to 12,000 tonnes of liquified green hydrogen annually. The PHH project has further capacity to scale up production… Continue reading Phoenix Hydrogen Hub

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