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Emergent Waste enters MOU on green methanol production

An MOU with Advent Technologies could lead to deployment of methanol-based fuel cells and development of large-scale green methanol generation plants.

Emergent Waste Solutions has entered a MOU with Advent Technologies for deployment of methanol-based fuel cells and development of large-scale green methanol generation plants, according to a news release.

“EWS has a proprietary and patent pending Advanced Thermolysis Technology that generates valuable products from carbon-based waste material, including that generated by the agriculture and forest industries,” the release states. “As a by-product of the creation of our carbon products we also generate biogas.”

Combined with a recently signed MOU with Hago Energetics, the company believes it can economically convert biogas into green methanol.

“Importantly, Advent has led the way in creating the next generation of highly efficient hydrogen fuel cells that can operate with pure hydrogen in addition to other fuels such as NG, LPG, and e-fuels or other hydrogen carriers,” the release states.

EWS will sell green methanol directly to Advent. The MOU has a four-year term.

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